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  • Writer's pictureJames

First Week Down.

Its Sunday and Jill has finished her first week of chemo/radiation. It has been interesting watching some color return to her cheeks even from the few treatments she has already received. how fast we adapt, as the daily radiation treatments have already begun to grow their own rituals. Lotion is first applied to protect her exposed skin, while glass after glass juice ensures that the bladder gets its own extra protection.

The appointments move in a precise flow tying Jill together with the nurses she now sees more often than her children, with the other patients all caught in the same strong ebb and flow of cancer treatment.

Chemo which is primarily the drug cisplatin has begun to leave its mark.

One of its side effects causes the iv site to become inflamed, which can also become necrotic due to your body rejecting the harsh chemicals that are being pumped into your veins to burn away the cancer where it lives within you

like an impending doom. The ladies who sit with Jill each one waiting for their own form of radiation one for breast cancer and the other for lung. Giving their own warning for Jill to embrace each day she feels well because the effects of the chemo have yet to even begin.

Throughout this week's between doctor’s appointments Jill will be researching wigs as I start my search for a job, 3 hours from our children and our home; to fight a cancer that wants to take Jill away permanently.

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