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  • Writer's pictureJames

First Day of Chemo Over

Jill finished her first day of Chemo. Becoming a well-known stop now it was easy to direct the lift driver to the West entrance, allowing Jill the least distance between her and the IV therapy checking in. The name is more than fitting as we would learn later as they gave My wife half a dozen IV bags over the course of the next 4 hours.

But we were just at the front door and she held her head with a stern determination as Jill led us into the Chemo treatment check-in. Her shoulders sagged, her strength sapped in an instant as the weight of the impending treatment filled her as she turned to me with tears in her eyes. It was for only a moment that she let her heavy sobs escape into my chest as she pressed herself in me by the near by wall.

But we were just at the front door and she held her head with a stern determination as Jill led us into the Chemo treatment check-in. Her shoulders sagged, her strength sapped in an instant as the weight of the impending treatment filled her as she turned to me with tears in her eyes. It was for only a moment that she let her heavy sobs escape into my chest as she pressed herself in me by the nearby wall.

30 minutes later we were learning that patients had one bathroom to uses while the cancer patients had another separate as Jill made her choice between a bed or a chair for her upcoming treatment.

After the Nurse trainee blew Jill’s first vein Judy, the nurse they had assigned to my wife, back over to set up the IV correctly.

We got at the cancer treatment facility at 8:30 in the morning and it wasn’t until almost 2 in the afternoon that we were finally leaving. Chemo had not been as bad as Jill had initially anticipated, from all the drugs they gave her while administering the chemo drug she had little nausea.

Unlike the almost 5 house of weekly chemo the daily radiation only takes 15-20 minuets.

Today a snow storm has crippled that section of the state and Jill may or may not make it to treatment today.

But treatment has finally begun as Jill has now let her mind move to hair cuts and the new hair loss that seems to have already come in just the first treatments.

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