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  • Writer's pictureJames

Day to Day, Week to Week

Tommorow starts the last of the remaining days of Jills treatment. You would think with the technology of the 21st century we wouldn’t be flying blind waiting until she undergoes the 7-hour long surgery and a Brachytherapy on Wednesday. Once they do perform the surgery then we will know how well these last weeks of treatment have been working at killing the tumor.

The effects of the cancer seem to now have been replaced with the side effects of the chemo and radiation. Jills hands no tremble like they were that of my grandmothers and not the young one I remember from my youth but that of the 80-year-old woman from adulthood. They say most of the effects will slowly dissipate over the next few months, but some could be permanent.

Looking to the other side of the surgery burns hot like forcing your eyes to look into the sun. It will only be months afterward, once the radiation has dissipated enough for new imaging to be done. that is when we will learn for what amount of success that these weeks of treatment have done. It will be during the surgery that they get at least a glimpse to see if anything is left. Now Jill is set for her last appointment on Thursday, but I have learned that doctors tend to set their own time table…

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